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living in the matrix

Wake up Neo. You are the one. Become a glitch in the matrix.

Wake up from the illusions you keep. Remember who you are and why you are here. Do not be distracted. People have been saying this for awhile , but the time is here. It's time to take back the power and recognize what truly lies within. No one wants to tell you what you are capable of. The test is everyday. Put your faith to action. There is a very present battle going on for the influence and control over your SOUL, over your LIFE.. So stay sharp! Keep your eyes open because the devil roams this earth seeking to destroy. Keep your guard up and watch everything. Don't get too comfortable in this system- it will swallow you. Harvest and harness you. I'm just being honest and I need you to know this. You must fight. No, you are not cray. Yes, there is a really enemy. Stay equipped and know how to reject and deflect. Certain energies should not be spread. Remember LOVE is the ultimate weapon. That's not to say love is weak. Love, real love is fierce. Real love is bold. Fearless. Don't give any fear away, don't let it multiply. Cut it out by the root. Remove the root and it will not penetrate your garden. Protect that garden at all costs. For it is the gift that continues to give as long as you are listening and giving it the care it needs. Be wise in these times and don't forget to be ALIVE. Life is priceless. Use it accordingly. PEACE.

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