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tests + challenges

The Most High is protecting and guiding you. Covering you in the storm. Shelter in the middle of chaos. Peace in the middle of war. You are his gift. You are his creation. Be guided by the source, the one who powers the sun. You are mighty. You have been equipped and covered. Any obstacle in your way will be moved. Quit waiting on something, God is waiting on you. This universal law has been established all along. It's been written. You have every tool, resource, and skill to accomplish your mission. So move forward in confidence and step out in faith. The spirit is eager and ready to get to work. Mountains will be moved and seas will surrender when you walk on solid ground. Everyday get up and fight the good fight; get up and win. It's not over or to late. There is a war going on for your soul, so be prepared to defend it. How you think it should it is always changing because you don't have the answers. There is no control except the free will of your soul. So choose wisely because all the options are there. Evil and Good all around. What side will you choose? Every choice counts and leads you either up or down, back or forward.. I wish I could put into to words. This is an attempt. The devil doesn't want this to be published. He doesn't want your story to be heard let alone told. You see how this works? You have to persevere every step of the way. Don't get complacent. You can't be to comfortable playing offense only. Strengthen your defense system so you can be immune to the spiritual cancers of fear, guilt, shame, worry, etc. Use your head. You are stronger than you know. Fight.

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