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Updated: Jul 10, 2020

This is because I can and I do. This is the secret entry point where I make my descent. The computer can't keep up with my energy. It's slow, an echo. Waiting to catch up to my memory. As fast as I create can I capture. It's an ever-moving river flowing into the present, past, and future. All synced into one. Feelings, thoughts, actions become stronger when united. Get aligned.

Elevate in this new paradigm. Broken the mirrors of time forever cast out to redefine and question what's real. You have to let it out and critique later. It's a tender seed sprouting into the earth. Fragile and needing protection before it develops its own strength. Support the stage of vulnerability and make room for more. Life depends on your ability to care. Caretakers of the earth. Nurture and explore. Get into the special place of inspiration and gratitude. We all need of dose of nature to be free. Work towards recreating that environment that allows spontaneity and exploration. Don't be afraid to not have a plan. Be afraid not to leave at all.You are a star shooting across space. Burn bright sweet soul.

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