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body wise

When you work for your body, it begins to work for you. Immediately. The minute you decide to give it some love and attention, it responds with an eagerness. Right away the muscles begin to tighten and firm up. The choice is ours whether we want to maintain our health. Be honest with yourself. It's a beautiful thing when we are able to feel strong in our bodies. It's mental first and then manifests and reflects in the physical. Give it a little and it will give you a lot. Provide the right environment and watch it thrive. It's just like a garden. There are certain conditions that are favorable for growth and critical for overall well-being. It needs sunlight and water and of course, love. So watch how nature works, learn the laws of the universe. Invest time into perfecting your body and you will receive a surplus of opportunity and positive feelings. Because how we feel in ourselves will either attract or repel what is around us. How you feel is very important. Bring your awareness to your true essence and let it be the anchor guiding

your body/boat through these waters. Navigate wisely. We have to be aligned in mind + body + breath. Please love yourself by doing the right thing and caring for the gift you have been given. Life is a gift. Celebrate today.

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