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See you are suppose to write from the heart. I am suppose to let my mind be free and let expression take over. I'm suppose to be clear and focused. Dialed-in completely. But for right now, at this stage, my mind drifts away from the task at hand. My mind grips onto something beyond me, a lot less tangible. A lot more elevated. Beyond the words and the feeling. I wonder if I can capture the moment. Years of ideas and thoughts, but where am I now? Times are constantly changing, the minute you catch it is the minute you lose it. I must try. I must attempt to define the divine, the inner being in which i reside, the spiritual side. I must add my peace and bring my light. What do I believe in and do I really have faith. Yes, it has been tested, but I refuse to succumb. To the pressure of doubt and the voices of deception. I stay walking on the straight path. I have to go where I didn't ask. I continue to forge my path. We have to accept our planetary placement and engage with our imagination. Connected to the universe with every cell in my body. Composed of stardust, ready to burn bright through the Milky Way. Continue to show up and create. Tell your story everyday. Rewrite it until you like to read it. Erase and remove all negative narratives. It's time to shed that worry, greed, over consumption and hot-temper. It's time to reveal yourself to your Self and tell the truth. Be free in knowing you have so much more work to do. Rest now, because the war is not over. Celebrate each victory and remember every mistake. Learning more everyday. Repeat only positive affirmation. Thank you Earth. God is Good.

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