Who has been a major, positive influence in your life? Who has watered your ideas and nourished your growth? Then I think to myself, "Have I played a role in the development and growth of others?"
I'd like to hope so. And if not, strive for more opportunities to care for those around me. I think of those who have nourished me and given me life and encouragement and how much that meant to me. I try to be a light for others. Although, we do live in a "dream-seller" reality, but that's another topic for another time. Life needs life to continue. It's an ever-exchanging cycle. I am thankful for anyone who has taken the time to teach me something whether they knew it or not. Some learning is subconscious. Sometimes we may feel we do not have the authority to voice our dreams, opinions, or feelings, but there is a safe space between people that can be created and amplified. The voice of one truly is powerful. So use yours. Help another. Think of someone who has been apart of your life and shaped you in some way. Send them a prayer and hold them in a high regard. These are the angels among us and I strive to be one daily. What do you think? Could you come out of your shell more? Could you speak on something if it was a serious issue? Build courage, stamina, and strength within yourself so you may give it to others. And how do we find this strength? The source. Which is in and around you. Listen. Look. Learn.