The healing never ends.
Just because you graduate from one level, doesn't mean there isn't another one waiting. It's an ongoing experience, an ongoing relationship. A beautiful dance between light and shadow. Let the trapped emotions out. There are so many emotions stored in the body.
I give you permission to release. I give you permission to feel through, and MOVE these emotions OUT! Whether it's through dreams, a conversation with a loved one, or just moving your body to music. Release through tears and indulge in the cleansing process. Do not be afraid. It's okay. It's an ongoing mission. Shed, shed, shed.
Put into words it feels distant, but while experiencing the pain, suffering, joy, grief, gratitude, anger and frustrations you will understand what I am pointing to. Words can only say so much. They are only arrows pointing to the greater feelings, concepts and symbols. Once you unlock a piece of your trauma your sight will broaden. Your awareness becomes expanded and you can trace the patterns back to the root. There is always a root and you must find it and pull it out of your garden. Get into gardening if you need first-hand lessons that will reflect to you directly. Hindsight is 20/20. But in that moment of decision we can't afford to not research, not thoroughly examine the options we are choosing between.
Every choice has consequences, it is inevitable. So for the future and that future will most likely be today, examine your choice carefully then proceed. You will learn from it whether way. Keep moving in the right direction by learning. Lessons are everywhere so stay keen. Keep acquiring new and experiencing more. Live and learn. Type below any thoughts that come up or feelings you have on healing. Love to you all. Make a joyful sound. Truth will heal, reveal, change, and clean all things. Set your soul free.