Take your attention back!
Our attention is the most valuable form of currency. So what do you do when we live in a world that's full of distraction!? There is always something pulling for our attention. Just knowing there are schemes in place to make sure to grab us, the consumer causes us to be in a state of defense. Once we are aware of that and how it all works you are forced to be disciplined and design your life in a way where you can get things done, without feeling like you have the attention span of a fish. Reading is a great way to expand your attention span. The mind is still engaged, but the imagination has free reign. Be aware of your self! We are living in crazy times. It's a fight, do not forget! Once something has your focus it has your energy. So stay focused on your Self, your goals, and stay on the path. Don't lose faith because then you will lose hope. When you lose your focus you've lost your rhythm. Think about how on guard we have to be in order to protect ourselves and our overall future. People would love you to get caught up on their side of the bank, but no. You are constantly flowing down the river. Don't lose speed or else the ball will drop. Eyes on the prize. The prize is your appointed mission so don't lose faith. Don't get down on yourself because that is a dismissal of the God who has created you and gave you breath to breathe today. Sometimes it takes a perspective shift. But never grow complacent that is when the devil of distraction will strike. To allure you away from your goal and deter you from your path. Be wise! Peace be with you on your journey Sweet Soul.